
Brotherhood - Encompasses all the auxiliaries of the Men's Department. Every male is a member of the Brotherhood.

Couples' Ministry - In efforts to build and maintain healthy relationships, married contemporaries get together to discuss ways to stay happily married, attending training sessions and social events.

Christian Women's Council (C.W.C.) - is an organization for women ages 40 and above. Its purpose is: to provide spiritual and natural support of the church through instruction and training of women, both the “seasoned saint” and of those who are “babes in Christ;”

Church Security-The Church Security department ensures the safety both inside and outside church grounds during each church function.

Deacon Board- Brothers elevated to the office of Deacon, assist in the collection of offerings/tithes, and are designated helpers to the pastor and the local assembly. They are also responsible for the maintenance of church grounds and properties, church security and "apt to teach".

Deacons' and Ministers' Wives - Group that encourages excellence in wives that may potentially become pastors' wives and leading women in the church and community.

Nurses' Unit - A guild responsible for attending to the physical wellness of the pastor, pulpit and congregation during service times.

Ministry of Hospitality - Works closely with the Usher Board and are especially responsible for making visitors and new members feel welcomed They gather contact information for follow ministry up.

Ministerial Staff  - Group of ministerial leaders that bring to the church a wealth of talent in worship, evangelism, stewardship, and outreach. Each member of the ministerial staff offers their knowledge and guidance to the ministries and members of the church– keeping the people of the church closely connected to the leadership’s vision.

Missionary Department - The Missionary Department is actively involved in mission outreach in convalescent homes, hospitals, local jails, prisons, and the shut-in at home. They carry the gospel of hope, healing, peace, and deliverance.

Media Ministry - Purpose to effectively spreading the Word of God to individuals within and beyond the walls of the church by developing and utilizing various forms of media to instruct and encourage others to worship and glorify God and to become fully established in God’s Words.

Ministry of Help - purpose is to restore, renew and empower people for the glory of God by reaching out to meet the spiritual, fellowship and physical needs of others in our communities and throughout the world.

Mothers Board - Group of senior women within the church, appointed by the pastor for teaching and admonishing the younger women to live a lifestyle of holiness. They are women of wisdom and sobriety, faithful church members, setting an example in tithing and attending worship services.

Music Department  - Encompasses all choirs, musicians and Praise Teams.

Pastor's Aid Committee - Every member is considered a part of the Pastor's Aide Department. It is directed by a group of individuals who are responsible for the well being of the pastor. This group directs special events and activities for the benefit of the pastor and his family.

Performing Art Department - The purpose is to praise, edify, glorify and uplift God through Praise music, song, dramatization, and dance. Performing Art Ministry is designed to express the art of dance/ miming through praise and worship of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Single/Single Again Ministry - Designed to ensure inclusion, fellowship, and spiritual support for unmarried individuals (single, divorced, widow/widowed, separated).

Sunday School - Our Sunday morning Bible study. It is designed to satisfy our hunger and thirst for a deeper understanding of the word of God and our relationship with him.

Sunshine Band - For children 11 and younger. These youngsters are given the opportunity to begin active duty in the church at the earliest ages possible. They participate in choral activities pageants, religious programs and field trips etc.

Usher Board - Organized as the official greeters and "helpers" group. These individuals work hard to ensure that every visit and gathering of the Lord's people is as orderly and comfortable, as possible.

Women's Department -The purpose of our Women's departments is to meet the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of women The Women's departments is designed to encourage women to grow in their faith in Christ, to develop and strengthen friendships with other women, and to provide opportunities to serve Christ.

Young People Willing Workers (YPWW) - Our Sunday evening Bible study. It, too, is designed to stimulate and encourage the "spirit man" through deeper understanding of the word of God.

Young Women of Excellence (YWOE) - Focuses on the needs of young women up to age 18. Promoting the need to maintain purity, personal hygiene, etiquette, charisma, general excellence in educational pursuits, and leadership.

Young Women Christian Council (YWCC.) - is for young women ages 18-40 married or single whose prime purpose is to dedicate themselves to greater Christian service. The Y.W.C.C. explores the Christian approach to life issues.

Young Men Of Valor - A forum that will enhance young men self-esteem and establish a support system through open communication, knowledge, and brotherhood to enrich their personal well-being. Understand the meaning of a true relationship with God and discovering his purpose for their lives.

Youth Department- Group of workers that directs and coordinates all programs and activities for children, pre-teen, teen and young adults of our church.